People like being in control

It's the simple reason why messages recorded with StepTree not only outperform email but get more replays than traditional video

By Gregory de Souza.

Published 11/15/2021.

I might be dating myself here, but put a few kids in front of a TV, and it won't take long for a fight to break out over the controller. And while we get older, we learn some patience, the fact remains that people like being in control of their time and attention.

And that's why we turned this fact into a design principle we rely on to design and develop StepTree:

Give recipients control as to when and how they consume your message

But talk is cheap, here are three ways that StepTree makes this principle a reality.

1. ▶️ Recipients can play

This will not shock anyone, but the first way that StepTree realizes this principle, and handedly outperforms emails as a result, is the fact that your recipient can 'play' your message, and you'll be right there to not only tell, but show them what they need to know.

2. ⏭ Browse and skip step-by-step

The second way StepTree makes giving recipients control a reality is simply a consequence of StepTree's uniquely efficient step-by-step approach to recording.

StepTree doesn't let you you record your message as a single video file, and that's on purpose! We know your goal isn't to record video, it's to communicate well and persuasively.

Which is why recording short clips, one short step at a time, is not only a huge time saver, it makes it easy for your recipient to browse and skip through your message step-by-step and not halfway through an important point as would be the case in traditional video. To see what I mean, 🖱 scroll up and watch the explanation above.

3. 🧽 Scrub precisely to replay

And finally, as of this week, recipients can not only ⏭ skip through a StepTree message step-by-step, but they can also precisely scrub through a particular step's recording. Watch the explanation at the start of this post to see how.

🗑 Your effort should never go to waste

Even if you ignore for a moment, the fact that recording a message with StepTree is 10x faster than traditional video, StepTree's design gives your recipient enough control to consume your message on their terms, ensuring your efforts never go to waste.

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